Brand Identity, Social Media Graphics, Event Graphics, Website Graphics, Email Graphics, Animations
Branded theme created to represent an annual, week-long event that celebrates all disciplines of design in the local community.
Since 2016, The Label Collective has worked with Austin Design Week to provide a creative direction that supports their annual theme and extends the concept throughout their event materials.
End Results
Now in its fifth year, Austin Design Week successfully held their first virtual event that was seamless through social media, day-of-event, and post-event materials. Because of the virtual format, they were able to attract attendees from all over the country. Events include design-oriented workshops, panels, and discussions; all were free to the public.
Embrace _______
The theme for Austin Design Week 2020 is about exploring the ambiguity that comes with change— discovering together what we can embrace, and how.
With a blank after “Embrace,” the theme itself has a level of ambiguity. It’s open for all of us to provide our own intent and learnings. On one hand, “embrace” is about acceptance— it speaks to the role of design to find truth, adapt, and innovate. On the other, it’s about comfort— the importance of community, large or small. It’s about change, but it’s also about stability. What do we have that remains constant despite the change around us? How do we best support each other and our communities?
Whether it’s the unknown or the undeniable, a new reality or a new future, our community or ourselves— there’s always something we can embrace in times of change.