Brand Identity, Flyers, Social Media Graphics, Event Graphics, Website Graphics, Email Graphics
Branded theme created to represent an annual, week-long event that celebrates all disciplines of design in the local community.
Since 2016, The Label Collective has worked with Austin Design Week to provide a creative direction that supports their annual theme and extends the concept throughout their event materials.
End Results
Now in its fourth year, Austin Design Week has tripled the amount of events on the schedule and continues to grow their audience. All events are free to the public and include design-oriented workshops, studio tours, and evening events.
The theme for the fourth year of Austin Design Week is “Make Space.” Previous year’s themes built on one another, and brought us to a pressing yet simple question built for designers to answer: We’re all here (whatever “here” means). Now what?
To make space requires us to not just create, but adapt. How do we remove barriers and set the conditions for everyone to work, live and thrive? What does it mean to build with intention for new ideas, for old ideas, for those who are frequently ignored and brushed aside? What spaces can we cultivate to learn, grow and center ourselves in equity as we continue to expand as a city, design industry and community?
“Making Space” takes on so many different meanings. In our interpretation, we wanted to create a theme visual that embraced inclusivity and inspiration to evolve and adapt to the world around them. An individual needs to take on a fluid mindset in the process and be open to learning and understanding the complexities that make up current events; we chose to demonstrate it through shape and form. It represents the juxtaposition of simplicity and complexity, but also reflects our subconscious need to examine and determine whether the impossible is possible.